Monday, May 31, 2010

Why I created this Blog

It's Memorial Day weekend and after looking out at a barren back yard, I had inspiration to start my landscape. After living in my newly built home (2007) for over 2 years, I think it's about time to dust off lawn tools that I have owned since moving in and actually put them to work.
What could inspire me to do this? Good question! I live in the desert southwest of Arizona in a sleepy little town called Casa Grande. The spring has been long and very gentle on the temperatures it has given us all the way through the month of May. The summer is upon us and even now at 11:00 am it is 90 degrees outside on the way to a for casted high of 101 degrees. So the reason to do this going into the hottest part of the year??
Well the reason for it is that here in Arizona we get to enjoy the late fall winter and spring. During these times of year I like to host friends over for ball games, fights, holiday weekends, and of course BB Q's! It makes quite a difference to be able to add a place to enjoy the outdoor weather during these events. Also I would like to be able to enjoy my own private sanctuary to relax and enjoy coffee and read the paper in the mornings.

After sitting down and starting my plan for how I want to landscape the yard, a number of friends have asked the question "You know how to do that?". The answer to that is vaguely "somewhat". I work for a large company that is a wholesaler of landscape products and work with commercial contractors and maintenence contractors every day. It makes it difficult to know what they may talk about as far as an install of landscapes if I have not done it myself. So armed with a novice back ground of installing only one other landscape before in my life, I am venturing to complete my own.
I have always had the attitude that if I don't know I will ask or I will find the answer. That is the reason behind me blogging about the experience of creating my own back yard landscape. It can create a source of knowledge for those that may want to learn to 'Do it Themselves'. So please if you would like to share a little bit as I move forward or even offer a little encouragement, it would be greatly appreciated!

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