This weekend was a hot one! Temperatures hovered around 108 both Saturday and Sunday and with Fathers day being on Sunday, I had a lot I wanted to finish but limited on the time and the energy to get work done. I played in a charity golf tournament on Friday with my Father and Uncle so I had had enough of the heat coming into the weekend. So Bickering aside I set myself a reasonable goal and went to work.
After laying the bulk of the pavers the previous Saturday, I ordered another pallet of the 6x9 stone so I could continue with the side patio. That left me about 60 Sq ft to lay and no help this time to do it. Using the same technique, I screeded in the sand and laid the stone. The pattern did not alow me to bring the stone flush up against the side of the existing patio so that meant I would have to cut the stone to make it fit. Thank god a friend let me barrow his electric Mason Tub saw. This saves a lot of time to make straight cuts through the stone. You could rent one if you needed to but ask around and see if you may get lucky with a friend that may have one.
After cutting in the stone to flush the pavers to the existing patio, it was time to start laying the border. Like I had posted before, I have a large amount of the smaller 6x6 stone so I am using it to border the patio. The radius of the curves can be kind of tricky but I used a suggestion of a college of mine and used some 'wedge' stones from what is known as a 'circle pack'. These stones are cut to make a circle when laid side by side. so using these stones I marked them on a 6x6 stone and cut them to make the curved radius. Six stones cut with the wedge template allowed for a true 90 degree bend. It turned out pretty well. Whats also cool about these stones is that if you alternate between a cut stone a square stone and a cut stone, you can make longer sweeping bends. This will work out perfect for the rest of the radius bends I will need to complete the border.
So that was this weekend, I set a goal to finish the side patio and now the border is started. hopefully I will have this project buttoned up for the 4Th of July weekend so I can host the first BBQ on my new patio.